Social Butterfly
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs

You are the visionary who is self-described as “not like others”.

You have attended seemingly hundreds of similar simchas and want to do a new take on an age-old
rite of passage that will have the requisite class and honour imperative for your family.

You are the parents with tight schedules and even tighter deadlines in your professional or home life
and you want to keep your head above it all while still creating an outstanding moment that will
leave lasting impressions.

We are the professionals who understand the urgency for design difference, ‘hamishness’ and wow
factors all in one. Along with our innate sensibilities devising the spectacular, Social Butterfly has specific
qualifications in Jewish liturgy, Hebrew language and other spiritual study that can help you balance the
bash with the best.

On the cusp of your son or daughter’s spiritual adulthood, there are many details that need to be regarded from Torah portioning and D’var Torah speech making, to the appropriate jubilation that marks this unique moment in their Jewish lives.

Please click on transform for a list of service options or connect with us to see how your simcha can become our signature.

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